Ok so i picked this up at the Red Carpet, it comes in a 4 pack for about 10.99. We at hopzombie believe you get what you pay for. (with some exceptions of course.)
This was very tasty, solid medium body,(expected) but at first whiff i noticed hints of coco, coffee and roasted malts, and a little bit of coconut, nothing overwhelming but always a nice addition to a porter besides the malts. At first i didn't notice the coconut until i had about 2 or 3 swigs, then i really came through and blended in with the rest of the flavors.
Coming from a guy who's not a coconut fan and associates anything coconut with mounds bars, i give this high marks. wish it came in a 6 pack for the price, it was very easy to drink and not heavy at all. I look forward to hearing what my associate has to say.
4.6 out of 5